Around 1900, this church was initially named St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church and services were held in a lodge hall on Railto Road, which was located before you crossed the railroad tracks. In 1906, the membership split and Steven Chapel Missionary Baptist Church was founded and named after its first pastor, Rev. Steven. At that time, many of the members left and united with the Willow Grove Missionary Baptist Church. Rev. Steven and the other remaining patriots helped build a new church across on the other side of the railroad tracks.
In those days, there were no luxuries of sewer systems, indoor plumbing for drinking water or bathrooms. The church members got water from the natural resources (creeks, rivers, wells or pump water) and they used out houses or the woods as the bathroom. There was no electricity, so coal oil bottles and lanterns were hung from the trees to illuminate the road leading to the church at night time. The members were very poor, but they struggled together with a common goal. Prior to worship services, they would bring wood and coal from their own homes to heat the church. A large "pot bellied" stove sat in the center of the church to heat the sanctuary.
After Pastor Steven's tenure, Rev. Martin Smith served as pastor for more than 10 years. After Pastor Smith's tenure, Rev. Maxwell from Memphis served for a few years. After Pastor Maxwell's tenure, Rev. Wilkerson from Memphis served. During his tenure, Deacon Frank Branch was called to preach and served as the 1st Assistant Pastor. Rev. Branch is the father of our current member, Sis. Cora Williams. The banner was then passed on to Rev. Anderson, who was very faithful and dedicated. He would catch the bus from Memphis and get off on Highway 51 North formerly called "Railto Crossing." He would walk from the highway down Railto Road and then on to the church. Unfortunately, Pastor Anderson became gravely ill and died while attending the National Baptist Convention.
At that time, Sunday School was every Sunday and Morning Worship was every other Sunday. The new reign was under the leadership of Rev. Murray, who stayed a short while before accepting a position at Willow Grove Missionary Baptist Church. Also, there was a Colored School located adjacent to the church called Railto School. Ms. Florence Stanton and Mr. Hal Garland were the teachers for 1st-12th grades. After Pastor Murray left, Rev. Luster from Memphis served. During his pastorate, a fellowship hall and modern bathrooms were added to the church.
In an effort to raise money for the church building fund, the women of the church held many socials. They held a dance at the ABC Club, which was owned by Mr. Alex Price, and all the proceeds were given to the church. They celebrated annual days by having "dinner-on-the grounds." Some of the other officials during these administrations were Mr. Jim Wooden, Bill Fitzpatrick, Wade Price, Sam Price, George Robert Young, Joe Young, Sr., Frank Treadway, George Ingram, Frank Shaw, Luck mack, Frank Lake, George Williams, etc. The Church secretaries were Ms. John Ella Fitzpatrick, Rosie Nell Frazier, and Nell Wilson. They talked nothing of tithes, because on annual days they would have team captains that report dues to fund the church.
After Rev. Luster's reign came yet another Memphis preacher, Rev. John Baker. His wife played the piano while he would bellow out his favorite song, "I Know the Lord Will Make A Way Somehow." During Rev. Baker's tenure he pastored both St. Steven and Union Hill. He decided to Pastor only one church, which was Union Hill. We were without a Pastor temporarily.
One day God laid it upon Deacon Eddie Lee Smith's heart to invite a young, new minister to preach that had only announced his calling for a short time. Rev. Marvin Hall came and he preached at the church in February 1984. In March 1984 at our annual church meeting, a decision was made between Rev. John Baker (some members wanted him back) and Rev. Marvin Hall. When all the votes came in, Rev. Hall was named the newly elected Pastor. Pastor Hall began his tenure in March 1984. After two years under his leadership, we saw a miraculous move of God's spirit. People's lives were being transformed and the speaking of the gospel was spreading throughout the community. We knew that God had chosen a pastor/prophet for us, because of the things he preached and then to see those things come to pass. Pastor Hall initiated the correct usage of the church name, St. Stephen Missionary Baptist Church, which is as stated on its charter.
In 1986, a vision to relocate was manifested. After a lot of prayer and determination, Deacon Smith sited the land while riding down the road with Deacon Green. They proceeded to find out who the land belonged to and it turned out to be Mr. Jack Jetton. During that time, the church did a lot of praying that Mr. Jetton would sell us the land. Rev. Hall and Deacon Smith spoke with Mr. Jetton and he agreed to sell them the land. Then Rev. Hall and Deacon Smith went to First State Bank for a loan and were turned down. Rev. Hall went and spoke with Mr. Fletcher Lewis, a contractor in Brownsville who would end up being the one who would build the building. Mr. Lewis knew the owner of Union Savings Bank. After Mr. Lewis told the owner about the visit with Rev. Hall, he told Mr. Lewis to go ahead and build the church. In December 1985, groundbreaking service was held on the land and construction began. By April 30, 1986, the structure was complete. On the 1st Sunday in May of 1986, we held our 1st morning worship service. Due to the souls that were coming to us to be spiritully fed, we had a need for expansion. In 1996, we extended the sanctuary, added 5 classrooms, the fellowship hall, conference room, usher room, recording room, education office, secretary/finance office and 2 unisex bathrooms. In 2002, with the assistance of our Christian Education Director, Sis. Mary Douglas, one of the classrooms was renovated to create our library. On September 7, 2008, after 24 years of service, Pastor Marvin Hall's tenure as Pastor ended.
After much prayer, God led the people of St. Stephen to elect one of their own, Pastor Larry D. McGarity, as the new Pastor of St. Stephen M. B. Church. Pastor McGarity began his tenure on Sunday, December 14, 2008. One of the many things God has in store for Pastor McGarity and St. Stephen during this time occured on October 1st, 2009, when St. Stephen paid off the mortgage of the church after 23 years, the blessings of God manifested 18 months earlier than planned!!!
With all thanks and praises be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that we are still here, still standing, and still holding up the blood stained banner, Trusting God that THE BEST IS STILL YET TO COME!!!